Chemistry of gas-phase combustion and soot formation


  • Z.A. Mansurov Institute of Combustion Problems, 172, Bogenbai batyr str., Almaty, Kazakhstan



flame front structure, hydrogen atoms, peroxide radicals, soot formation.


This article is dedicated to the memory of the teacher, professor, academician of the ATS G.I. Xandopulo. Below is an overview of the work on the study of the structure of the hydrocarbon flame front, carried out under the guidance of G.I. Ksandopulo, as well as data on the study of the formation of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes during the combustion of hydrocarbons, obtained recently at ICP. The article reviews the author’s work on the study of the structure of the front of cold flames of diethyl ether and butane, the pre-flame zone of normal propane flames and soot formation during the combustion of hydrocarbons.Gorenje. The phenomenology, kinetics and mechanism of soot formation, the influence of various factors on the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCAU), carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, graphenes and soot are considered.
• Low-temperature zone of the front of hydrocarbon flames
• Cold flames
• Non-isothermal cold diethyl ether flames
• Detection of hydrogen atoms and their distribution in the front of stabilized cold hydrocarbon flames
• Synthesis of carbon nanotubes in combustion mode
• Soot formation during methane combustion in an electric field
• New nanocarbon energy-intensive materials


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How to Cite

Mansurov, Z. (2022). Chemistry of gas-phase combustion and soot formation. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 20(4), 263–276.

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