Influence of air-conducting channels on combustion of coal briquets


  • A.S. Akhinzhanova Al-Farabi KazNU, al-Farabi ave. 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • M.I. Tulepov Al-Farabi KazNU, al-Farabi ave. 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • D.A. Baiseitov Al-Farabi KazNU, al-Farabi ave. 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Zh.A. Amir Al-Farabi KazNU, al-Farabi avenue 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • F.Y. Abdrakova Al-Farabi KazNU, al-Farabi ave. 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • S. Tursynbek Al-Farabi KazNU, al-Farabi ave. 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • J.B. Kud’yarova Al-Farabi KazNU, al-Farabi ave. 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan



burning, briquette, coal, clay.


The studies found that the increase in surface area increases briquette combustion rate and completeness of thecombustion of coal. The efficiency of burning coal substandard according to the increase in the area of combustion. Theoptimum sample briquette at which the maximum speed and completeness of combustion. In this work the dependence of combustion on the of shape channels was studied. The dependence of the briquette combustion temperature on the time without air channel and with air channels «Rod» and «Star» is investigated. The best performance at a temperature of 942 °C and a burning time of 50 minutes have briquettes with an air channel «Star». All of the coal briquettes that we examined are insensitive to shock, which facilitates the transportation of these briquettes.


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How to Cite

Akhinzhanova, A., Tulepov, M., Baiseitov, D., Amir, Z., Abdrakova, F., Tursynbek, S., & Kud’yarova, J. (2023). Influence of air-conducting channels on combustion of coal briquets. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 17(4), 229–232.

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