Efficient processing of oil sands into purpose products


  • Y.K. Ongarbayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 Al-Farabi ave., Almaty, Kazakhstan; Institute of Combustion Problems, Bogenbai Batyr Str., 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Y. Tileuberdi Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 Al-Farabi ave., Almaty, Kazakhstan; Institute of Combustion Problems, Bogenbai Batyr Str., 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Y.I. Imanbaev Yessenov University, 32 microdistricts, Aktau, Kazakhstan
  • Z.A. Mansurov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 Al-Farabi ave., Almaty, Kazakhstan; Institute of Combustion Problems, Bogenbai Batyr Str., 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan




oil sands, natural bitumen, extraction, processing, ultrasonic treatment, thermal extraction.


The paper presents the methods of extraction and processing of natural bitumen from oil sands of the Beke and Munaily Mola fields of Kazakhstan. Extraction, thermal, ultrasonic extraction of natural bitumen was carried out. Physicochemical characteristics and fractional compositions of natural bitumen extracted by solvents and thermal contact methods are compared. Thermal processing has led to an increase in the yield of distillate fractions in the content of bitumen. Ultrasonic extraction was carried out in a sodium silicate or carbonate solution with a concentration of 0.5 to 1,1 mol/l. Natural bitumen of oil sands of the Beke field was also recovered in a supercritical medium of isopropanol and hexane. SCF-extraction made it possible to increase the yield of diesel fractions in the bitumen from the Beke deposit by 20%. As a result of the hydrogenation of natural bitumen from the Beke deposit, the yield of light fractions increases to 70.0 wt.%.


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How to Cite

Ongarbayev, Y., Tileuberdi, Y., Imanbaev, Y., & Mansurov, Z. (2021). Efficient processing of oil sands into purpose products. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 19(4), 299–308. https://doi.org/10.18321/cpc467