Promising ways to reduce the carbon footprint of the global economy


  • V.S. Arutyunov N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, Kosygina str., Moscow, Russia; Federal Research Center for Problems of Chemical Physics and Medical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1, Semenov ave., Chernogolovka, Russia
  • A.V. Arutyunov N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, Kosygina str., Moscow, Russia; Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, Shenzhen 518172, China



декарбонизация энергетики, водородная энергетика, углеводороды, конверсия, синтез-газ.


The observed change in the global climate and the supposed connection of this phenomenon with changes in the concentration of carbon-containing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stimulated efforts aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the world energy and economy. To solve this problem, such ways as switching to renewable energy sources (RES), large-scale sequestration of industrial CO2 emissions, replacement of hydrocarbon energy sources with hydrogen have been consistently proposed. The paper considers the reasons for the inefficiency of these projects. It is concluded that currently the most radical and economically feasible way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere is the gradual replacement of coal and oil with natural gas, not only in the energy sector, but also as raw materials for the production of petrochemicals. In turn, this requires increasing the efficiency of existing and developing new gas chemical processes.


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How to Cite

Arutyunov, V., & Arutyunov, A. (2022). Promising ways to reduce the carbon footprint of the global economy. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 20(4), 289–294.

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