Determination of the carbon footprint in the framework of the assessment of the life cycle of electric energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • K.G. Muratova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university, Satpayev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan
  • B.A. Kapsalyamov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university, Satpayev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan
  • M.T. Kozhikov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university, Satpayev str., 2, Astana, Kazakhstan


carbon footprint, electricity, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, life cycle assessment, climate change


Global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions into the environment has contributed to the adoption by the Republic of Kazakhstan of international commitments to reduce emissions released into the atmospheric layer of the earth at an appropriate level in comparison with the specified baseline indicators. The energy sector is one of the main factors of anthropogenic impact on the environment, including climate change. At the same time, today in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the capacity of energy facilities is due to the use of coal-fired power plants, whose greenhouse gas emissions are within high limits. This article provides an assessment of the carbon footprint of the national electric power generation system, namely, greenhouse gas emissions within the limits covering the most significant processes of the entire life cycle. Within the framework of this study, an approach to estimating the carbon footprint of products is proposed, due to the use of methodological guidelines within the framework of regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international methodologies, and a comparison of the results of greenhouse gas emissions in the context of the stages of the life cycle of electric energy is also carried out. An assessment of the contribution of the life cycle of electric energy within the influence on climate change is given.


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How to Cite

Muratova, K., Kapsalyamov, B., & Kozhikov, M. (2024). Determination of the carbon footprint in the framework of the assessment of the life cycle of electric energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 22(2), 99–107. Retrieved from