
  • N.N. Mofa The Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Bogenbay batyr str., 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • B.S. Sadykov The Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Bogenbay batyr str., 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. Yerboluly The Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Bogenbay batyr str., 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Z.A. Mansurov The Institute of Combustion Problems, 050012, Bogenbay batyr str., 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan


SHS-composites, mechanochemical processing, modification, quartz, aluminium, products of synthesis


In the article presents the results of mechanochemical treatment (MCT) charge mixtures based on quartz and aluminum to production in the regime SH-synthesis of ceramic composites. Preliminary mechanochemical treatment components of the charge held in the presence of a modification - carbon. It is shown that the transformation of the structure and modification of the particles of the charge mixture as a result MCT. It was found an increase in energy consumption of the system after MCT and the change of kinetic parameters of SH-synthesis, a complete conversion of the mixture components and the formation of the phase composition, which provides high strength of the synthesized material.


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How to Cite

Mofa, N., Sadykov, B., Yerboluly, A., & Mansurov, Z. (2015). HIGH ENERGY-INTENSITY OF COMPOSITIONS AND SH-SYNTHESIS OF CERAMIC SYSTEM. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 13(4), 277–283. Retrieved from https://cpc-journal.kz/index.php/cpcj/article/view/347

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