
  • S Boloshaan Kaznu, Almaty, Kazahstan
  • К.А Umbetkaliev Kaznu, Almaty, Kazahstan
  • Yu.V. Kozak Kaznu, Almaty, Kazahstan
  • Z.A. Mansurov Kaznu, Almaty, Kazahstan


current-voltage parameter, zinc, aluminum, chemical sources, pyrotechnic backup power source.


The article presents the results of research on the development of a method for obtaining a reserve source of PBPS current on the basis of zinc. Experimental work has been carried out to determine the current-voltage characteristics of the PBPS compositions based on magnesium from the receipt of a reserve backup current source.Experimentally determined voltammetricprita parameters based on magnesium, aluminum and zinc. As a result of measuring current-voltage characteristics of the zinc-based prita showed best result than prita based on magnesium. Using zinc first developed and created Moreover, the magnesium based PBPS is first used as an igniter for initiating Moreover, and also in the presence of aluminum designed and manufactured, investigated PBPS.Theinvestigated parameters of a pyrotechnic reserve current source based on magnesium with an asbestos separator 0.8 mm thick were investigated. It is established that at a current value of 0.02 A, the duration of the PRIT operation is 585 seconds. It is determined that the ZIN-based PRIT works stably, with zinc, such characteristics as the time to go into operation, the operating time of the PRIT is an order of magnitude higher than that of the PRIT based on magnesium


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How to Cite

Boloshaan , S., Umbetkaliev К., Kozak , Y., & Mansurov, Z. (2018). INFLUENCE OF THE DIMENSIONS OF ZINC PARTICLES ON VOLT-AMPERE CHARACTERISTICS. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 16(1), 30–36. Retrieved from