Study of surface of printing paper modified with gold and silver nanoparticles by scanning electron microscope


  • Zh.E. Ibrayeva Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • B.A. Baitimbetova Satbayev University, 22a Satpayev Street, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Yu.A. Ryabikin Institute of Physics and Technology, Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan



polymer-protected silver and gold nanoparticles, paper modification.


Polymer-protected silver and gold nanoparticles are used to process various grades of paper. Using the methods of scanning electron and probe microscopy, the structure and morphology of papers were studied. When studying the samples, it was found that the immobilization of silver and gold nanoparticles on the surface of the paper depends on its structure and morphology. The results of the study show that the thickness of the surface layer of paper after processing  is much larger compared to the original, and its profile is significantly complicated by the appearance of depressions and protrusions. The possibility of using colloidal solutions of silver and gold to give the papers an additional degree of protection is shown. The article presents the results of studies and their discussion. 


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How to Cite

Ibrayeva, Z., Baitimbetova, B., & Ryabikin, Y. (2023). Study of surface of printing paper modified with gold and silver nanoparticles by scanning electron microscope. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 17(4), 209–213.