Основные концепции промотирования и ингибирования горения


  • V.K. Manzhos В.В. Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russia;
  • B.Ya. Kolesnikov Institute of combustion problems, Bogenbay Batyr str. 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan




combustion process, promoters, inhibitors, physical methods of action, the concept of the process of promotion and inhibition.


Over the past decades, a large number of works on the inhibition and promotion of combustion have been published. This includes both chemical additives and the use of physical influences. Indepth research in each case involves finding out the most important factors of influence and choosing the most effective way to control the process. A number of studies indicate the ambiguity of the result, depending on the amount of additives or changes in the conditions. But the reasons for such changes are not always clear. In any case, it is necessary to proceed from the relationship of the processes of inhibition and promotion in the combustion wave, the joint influence of chemical and physical actions for the selection of effective methods of combustion, inhibition of the process, or the production of new substances at the intermediate stages of incomplete combustion.


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How to Cite

Manzhos, V., & Kolesnikov, B. (2019). Основные концепции промотирования и ингибирования горения. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 19(1), 3–15. https://doi.org/10.18321/cpc411