3D-calculation of plasma assisted Ecibastuz coal combustion at reftinsk PK- 39-II furnace boiler


  • V.E. Messerle Institute of Combustion Problems, 172 Bogenbay batyr st., Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • К.А. Umbetkaliev Institute of Combustion Problems, 172 Bogenbay batyr st., Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A.B. Ustimenko Plasmatechnics R&D LLP, Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of al- Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan




coal, combustion, plasma activation, plasma-fuel system, 3D-calculation, furnace boiler.


Results of calculations of plasma-assisted coal ignition and combustion in a furnace of PK-39-II boiler at Reftinsk District Power Plant are considered in this paper. The calculations fulfilled using Plasma-Coal and Cinar ICE kinetic calculation codes. For mathematical modeling of coal combustion process in a furnace boiler, a 3D mathematical Cinar ICE model has been used. Cinar ICE is computerbased program for physical modeling and calculation of hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer and fuels combustion in furnaces. Equations for mass and momentum conservation are solved by the volume control method using Patankar algorithm. For gas phase to describe time-average conservation equations Euler approach has been used. In Euler approach particles interpreted as a pseudo-gas, i.e., considered only source or mass flow, momentum and energy exchange. To simulate behavior of a solid phase, Lagrange approach is used. It takes into account the dynamic and thermal delay of particles, moving in a flow. Standard k-ε model of turbulence is used to describe turbulence. Two regimes of pulverized coal combustion were calculated and compared, traditional one and plasma-assisted coal combustion regime. It is showed that using plasma-fuel systems to activate solid fuel combustion allows optimizing coal combustion in the furnace boiler. Analysis of main characteristics of the process of combustion shows that application of plasma-fuel systems for furnace startup and stabilization of combustion of the  pulverized coal flame has a positive effect on the characteristics of combustion process, reducing NO emission and unburned carbon both in combustion space and at the outlet. Using of 12 plasma-fuel systems allows reducing at the outlet of furnace, combustion product’s temperature by 7%, NOx emission by 40%, oxygen concentration by 6% and unburned curbon by 43%.


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How to Cite

Messerle, V., Umbetkaliev К., & Ustimenko, A. (2020). 3D-calculation of plasma assisted Ecibastuz coal combustion at reftinsk PK- 39-II furnace boiler. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 18(3), 111–126. https://doi.org/10.18321/cpc356