Nonequilibrium phases in the aluminum-silicon system


  • M.R. Saduakas Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, ave. Al-Farabi 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A.S. Degtyareva The Institute of Combustion Problems, Bogenbai Batyr str., 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Satbayev University, 22A Satpayev Street, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • E.G. Aubakirov Satbayev University, 22A Satpayev Street, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • F.R. Sultanov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, ave. Al-Farabi 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan; The Institute of Combustion Problems, Bogenbai Batyr str., 172, Almaty, Kazakhstan



eutectic type diagrams, crystallization, aluminum-silicon system, nonequilibrium chemical (intermetallic) compounds.


Eutectic crystallization is considered from the point of view of the decay of a liquid chemical compound, supersaturated with respect to both components. The microstructure and phase composition of neareutectic alloys after casting and crystallization are investigated. A scheme of eutectic crystallization with an oscillating character of the separation of nonequilibrium intermetallic phases of different stoichiometry, which are not marked on the state diagram of the Al-Si system, is proposed.


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How to Cite

Saduakas, M., Degtyareva, A., Aubakirov, E., & Sultanov, F. (2020). Nonequilibrium phases in the aluminum-silicon system. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 18(1), 37–42.