Plasma-chemical processing of waste fuel and lubricant and cooling fluid


  • В.Е. Мессерле Институт проблем горения, Алматы, Казахстан  Институт теплофизики им. С.С. Кутателадзе СО РАН, Новосибирск, Россия 


plasma-chemical processing, waste lubricants, synthesis gas, valuable metals,environmental and economic indicators


Thermodynamic analysis was performed using the universal program TERRA. The calculations allowed determining the optimal parameters of the plasma-chemical processing process of waste fuel and lubricant and cooling fluids for various gasifying agents (air, water vapor). On the basis of calculations, a closed circuit of their complex plasma-chemical processing is proposed, which
is a waste-free method of waste conversion. This method allows simultaneously obtaining synthesis gas suitable for the production of methanol and electricity, and releasing valuable non-ferrous and rare metals in their pure form with minimal damage to the environment. The proposed waste processing scheme envisages the use of secondary energy of waste streams to generate electricity in a gas turbine. A preliminary assessment showed that it is possible to compensate for up to 30% of the electrical energy required for the implementation of the plasma-chemical process by using the heat of the waste streams. The presented thermodynamic analysis made it possible to establish the relationship between the parameters of thermodynamic equilibrium and the composition of the multicomponent mixture, as well as to determine the optimal mass ratios of the processed waste and plasmaforming gasifying agents for experimental studies of the plasma-chemical conversion of waste fuel and lubricant and coolants. For a comprehensive assessment of the process of plasma-chemical waste processing, a comparative economic assessment of the conditional damage from the emissions of the original waste fuel and lubricant and cooling liquids and the sulfuric acid method of their regeneration was made in relation to the plasma-chemical conversion. The results obtained indicate hat the environmental hazard from the products of plasma-chemical conversion is many times lower than from unused waste fuel and lubricant and cooling liquids, and even from their traditional sulfuric acid regeneration. It is shown that the damage from sulfuric acid egeneration of waste is 1790 times greater than from their complex plasma-chemical processing. 


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How to Cite

Мессерле, В. (2021). Plasma-chemical processing of waste fuel and lubricant and cooling fluid. Combustion and Plasma Chemistry, 19(2), 103–117. Retrieved from

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