About the Journal

The journal "Combustion and Plasma Chemistry" has been published quarterly in Russian and English since 2003.

The journal "Combustion and Plasma Chemistry" is registered with the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Communications and Information (Certificate of registration of a periodical printed publication and (or) information agency No. 14299-Ж dated April 18, 2014) and has an international serial number ISSN No. 1683-3902 dated April 25, 2002.

The journal is published by the Institute of Combustion Problems.

The journal is intended for the publication of experimental and theoretical research in the form of original papers and conference materials covering the areas of combustion and plasma chemistry, the technology of explosives and pyrotechnic materials, chemical physics, and materials science.

By the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (order 597 of 19.07.2021) journal «Combustion and Plasma Chemistry» is included in the list of publications recommended for publication of the main results of scientific activity.

The journal is indexed by the Kazakhstan citation database (KazBC) of JSC "National Center of  science and technology evaluation" (NCSTE).

The journal is also available in the Scientific electronic library e-library.ru in open access for readers and included in the analytical database "Russian science citation index" (RSCI).