Guidelines for authors

The journal Combustion and Plasma Chemistry publishes original scientific articles based on experimental and theoretical research on combustion and plasma chemistry, the technology of explosives and pyrotechnic materials, chemical physics, materials science, nanomaterials, and nanotechnology.

The journal topics include the following areas:

  • the mechanism of chemical reactions in the gas and condensed phases and at the interface;
  • unconventional chemical technologies, including nanotechnology, using combustion or plasma processes;
  • detonation of condensed explosives, gases, and heterogeneous systems;
  • new physical methods for studying combustion processes;
  • chain and thermal processes of ignition, combustion, and detonation in gases, shock waves;
  • nanomaterials and nanotechnology.

The journal also publishes materials from scientific conferences according to the thematic direction of the publication.

Manuscripts are accepted for publication upon receipt of at least two positive reviews (reviewing – one-sided "blind"). All articles that go to the journal's editorial office are checked for borrowing (Crossref: Similarity Check - Powered by iThenticate).

The manuscript must be uploaded via the electronic platform by the author for correspondence, indicating all the metadata of the article and its authors.



Manuscripts must be drawn up in compliance with the following rules:

  1. In a cover letter addressed to the Editor-in-chief, the author (s) provides a justification for the novelty and relevance of the article, guarantees that the article has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication in other editions, does not violate the ethics of scientific publications, and is also approved by the co-authors to submit the article to the journal.
  2. Authors should exclude data falsification; unlawful use of other people's works without appropriate indication of sources; publications, a significant amount of which was previously published in other editions, revised (modified) by translating the article into English, or making small changes (additions) to the article.
  3. The manuscript must be carefully edited (the volume should not exceed 30 thousand characters). If the manuscript is submitted in English, then the English language must correspond to the professional level. The text of the article is drawn up in one column, you should not split the text into two columns (text editor: Microsoft Word, font: Times New Roman; spacing: single; font-size: 12 pt.). The title of the article, the surnames, and initials of the authors, the name and address of the organization, the abstract, and keywords must also be submitted in English.
  4. Figures and diagrams must be submitted in their original format (JPG, TIF, or other graphic formats). Each drawing should be presented in a separate file (for example, 1a, 1b, 1c, etc.). Drawings should have good image quality and provide clarity in all details (300-600 dpi). Drawings that do not meet the requirements of the journal are not accepted. All figures previously published by international publishers must obtain permission to be reproduced.

It is recommended to use the ChemDraw program for typing chemical formulas.

Tables should be named and numbered, and have if necessary, explanatory texts and notes. 


The title of the article (the title should be informative and not more than 10-15 words).

  1. Surnames and initials of the authors, indicating the corresponding author. Information on the authors with an indication of their positions, academic degrees, and email addresses should be provided additionally.
  2. The full name of the scientific organization and the address where the work was done.
  3. Abstract (300 words max). The annotation must provide information on the specific results of the work and the conclusions made on their basis. The abstract should not contain equations, symbols, abbreviations, or references to literature.
  4. Keywords (5-7 words).
  5. It is recommended that the introduction clearly describe the object of research and provide a brief overview of the works published on this topic.
  6. Experimental part.
  7. Results and discussion.
  8. Conclusion
  9. Funding information (if available).
  10. In the list of references, it is necessary to reflect on current publications on this topic of work over the past 3-5 years, taking into account the work of foreign scientists. The number of references to your work should not exceed 20-25%.

Execution of the list of references

The list of references should fully correspond to the main text of the article, i.e. contain all the works mentioned in it and contain references to available sources. It is not allowed to combine several sources in one reference. Each article must contain 2 (two) references: 1 – in the language of the article, drawn up in accordance with GOST; 2 – in an international format in English.

Articles prepared with gross violations of the rules for formatting the list of references will be returned for revision without review.

Examples of designing references in international format


Mansurov ZA (2017). Nanochemistry. Bases and applied aspects. Qazaq university, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. P.12-17. ISBN 978-601-04-2611-5

Nazhipkyzy M, Beisenov R, Mansurov Z (2015) Nanomaterials and nanotechnology [Nanomaterialy i nanotekhnologii] Qazaq university, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. ISBN 978-601-04-1337-5 (in Russian)

Article published in International Journal

Mansurov Z, Fomenko S (2014) Advances in Science and Technology 88:94-103.

Article published at Russian journal with English version

Denisova LT, Galiakhmetova NA, Belousova NV, Denisov VM, Kargin YF (2020) Russ J Inorg Chem 65:3-7. DOI: 10.31857/S0044457X20010067

Article published at Russian journal without English version

Yagovtsev AV, Obabkov NV, Kascheev ID (2013) New refractories[Novye ogneupory]. 10:17-20. (in Russian)

Conference materials

Gubicza J, Kassem M, Ungár T (2002) Formation of nanocrystalline aluminum magnesium alloys by mechanical alloying. 3rd International Powder Metallurgy Conference Ankara, Turkey P.741-755.

Maksimov YuM, Merzhanov AG, Kirdyashkin AI(1981) Influence of ultrasonic vibrations on the combustion of the titanium-boron system[Vliyanie ul’trazvukovyh kolebanij na gorenie sistemy titan-bor]. Materials of the 3rd All-Union Conference on Technological Combustion, Chernogolovka, Russia. P.53-55. (in Russian)


Grishina IN (2010) Diesel fuel additive, diesel fuel [Prisadka k dizel’nomu toplivu, dizel’noe toplivo]. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2371469


GOST 4545-88. Explosives, blasting agents. Methods for determining the characteristics of impact sensitivity [GSI. Veshhestva vzryvchatye brizantnye. Metody opredelenija harakteristik chuvstvitel’nosti k treniju pri udarnom sdvige]. Moscow, Russia 1988. (in Russian)


“Nakanune” Internet newspaper, 6 Sep. (2007) During fall, 218 tons of heptyl were in fuel tanks of “Proton”. (In Russian)

Dissertations (thesis)

Manzhos VK Study of the structure of the front of hydrocarbon flames with inhibiting and promoting additives [Izuchenie struktury fronta uglevodorodnyh plamen s ingibiruyushchimi i promotiruyushchimi dobavkami]. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of chemical sciences, Almaty,Kazakhstan. P.163

Editorial preparation

The average publication time for the article is 15-20 weeks from the date of submission, taking into account peer review, revision, and editorial work on the article.

The article sent to the authors for revision must be returned in corrected form within 1 month. The editors of the journal send the article to the corresponding author for proofreading by e-mail in PDF file format. Authors must return the verified version of the article (proofreading) within 7 days.

To speed up the publication of the article, it is desirable to recommend 2-3 potential reviewers. Recommended reviewers should be competent experts in accordance with the thematic direction of the article. At the same time, these reviewers should not have joint publications with the authors of the submitted article over the past 3 years and should not have a common affiliation (i.e., not work in the same organization).

The term for reviewing an article is 4-5 weeks.

There is no charge for the publication of the article, the articles of the journal are in the public domain on the website of the journal.