Ethical standards

The editors and editorial board of the journal “Combustion and Plasma Chemistry” in their publishing activities adhere to the principles of publication ethics accepted by the international community, as reflected in the recommendations of the Committee on Scientific Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct) developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The editorial board carries out the withdrawal (retraction) of published articles in case of violation of publication and/or scientific ethics, based on the recommendations of COPE. An article is withdrawn/deleted (retracted) in case of:

  • if there is clear evidence that the data obtained is unreliable or obtained as a result of illegal actions, for example, falsification or fabrication of data;
  • detection of plagiarism in the article, including the borrowing of figures, graphs, tables, etc.
  • the presence of gross errors in the article that can negatively affect other scientists and their research, for example, a miscalculation or error in an experiment;
  • setting up claims to the copyright for the article or its individual parts by third parties;
  • the presence of information in the article that contradicts the principles, standards, and norms of publication and/or scientific ethics.

The editorial staff of the journal is actively working to improve the quality and rating of the journal. All manuscripts are verified by iThenticate (Crossref: Similarity Check). In case of violation of research ethics, the editors will immediately contact the author (s) and ask for an explanation. If the problem cannot be resolved, the article will be retracted from publication. 


Principles to be followed by the author of scientific publications

The author (or group of authors) realizes that he bears the initial responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies compliance with the following principles:

  • The authors of the article must provide reliable results of the research. Wittingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.
  • Authors must ensure that the research results presented in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be made with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unofficial quotations, paraphrasing, or appropriation of rights to the results of other people's research, is unethical and unacceptable.
  • It is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons who in one way or another influenced the course of the research, in particular, the article should contain references to works that were of importance when carrying out the research.
  • Authors should not submit to the journal a manuscript that was sent to another journal and is under consideration, as well as an article already published in another journal.
  • All persons who have made a significant contribution to the research should be indicated as co-authors of the article. Among the co-authors, it is inadmissible to indicate persons who did not participate in the study.